Abstract (figures in landscape)
These pictures are the product of an expressionist technique where the picture plane becomes a dreaming surface upon which developes a sufficient momentum of mark-making to talk with the painter who follows the cues provided in a largely unconscious process. The lyrical coherence of the pieces is an analogue of a musical score. The viewers’ imagined narrative is suggested by  fragments of identifiable figures and landscape forms foregrounding an interactive process, fertilising the imagination and giving the viewer the express impression of having in some way created the picture themselves.
   Rhapsody in B Acrylic on canvas
    She Bird
Rhapsody a deux
Green Flat
Rhapsody in M
Dancing with the devil
Mixed media
Acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas
oil on canvas
Acrylic on canvas
oil on canvas
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